
Elasticsuite tracking mechanism has to be embedded into the frontend application like you would proceed with any other tracking mechanism (like Google Analytics, Tag Commander, etc…).

Legacy tracking script

You can use the legacy tracking script directly from here : 2.10.x version : 2.11.x version :

This is a vanilla javascript file that should be able to work in any other javascript framework. This script will add 2 cookies, STUID and STVID. The short term cookie (STUID) will materialize an unique navigation session, the long term one (STVID) will allow to identify the final customer for a long duration and to recognize him when he comes back to the website.


You will have to configure the tracker by using the setConfig({}) method.

This method takes several parameters :

Parameter Value to put
beaconUrl /elasticsuite/tracker/hit/image/h.png
endpointUrl (optional but recommended) <your backend url>/rest/V1/elasticsuite-tracker/hit
sessionConfig.visit_cookie_name STUID (don’t change this)
sessionConfig.visit_cookie_lifetime 3600 (don’t change this)
sessionConfig.visitor_cookie_name STVID (don’t change this)
sessionConfig.visitor_cookie_lifetime 365 (don’t change this)
sessionConfig.domain <common domain between the back and the front app>.
If your store url is and you api answers on, your sessionConfig domain must be set to “”.
sessionConfig.path /
telemetryEnabled false

The beaconUrl and endpointUrl do pretty much the same thing: tell the tracking script where to send the data, but also how :

  • if defined, endpointUrl takes precedence over beaconUrl and the data will be submitted using an Ajax/XmlHttpRequest POST request using our custom Magento REST API endpoint ;
  • if only beaconUrl is defined, the data will be submitted the legacy way by adding to the DOM an HTML tag whose src attribute will be the URL made of beaconUrl and as many URL parameters as necessary

**In a headless theme, we recommend the use of endpointUrl **

  • to ease integration (you probably already have the REST endpoint base URL defined somewhere)
  • to avoid having to whitelist/setup the beaconUrl URL pattern in your HTTP cache frontend (for instance Fastly) or your SSR config if you have one.


try {
       beaconUrl: '',
       endpointUrl: '’,
       telemetryEnabled: true,
       telemetryUrl: ‘’
       sessionConfig: {
           "visit_cookie_name": "STUID",
           "visit_cookie_lifetime": "3600",
           "visitor_cookie_name": "STVID",
           "visitor_cookie_lifetime": "365",
           "domain": "",
           "path": "\/"

// Then we inject the current Magento store. 
// The frontend application should be able to retrieve it.
 smileTracker.addPageVar('store_id', '1');

// By calling sendTag(true) we go through the legacy script then.

} catch (err) {

As soon as you have done this, the tracking system is ready to tag your website pages. You will then have to tag the different pages/rendering events according to the following tagging plan.

Please note that when a call to @smileTracker.sendTag(true)@ is performed, the currently collected tags data are sent to the backend (and on the first call on a given page, some metadata: browser version, resolution, etc) and then disposed of.

With a React-like headless theme based on a rendering loop which acts like a “single page app” and allows for the same browser “page / process” to show different content and perform different actions, you will need to call @smileTracker.sendTag(true)@ each time .

For instance if your theme allows the following actions without any browser refresh/page change:

  • the Homepage has been or is about to be rendered
    • add the Homepage tag
    • call “smileTracker.sendTag(true); “
  • the user performed a search and the REST/GraphQL response for the corresponding request has been rendered into a products list or is about to be rendered
    • add the Search Result page tag
    • call “smileTracker.sendTag(true); “
  • the user clicked on a product to see more details and the PDP has been rendered or is about to be rendered -add the Product Page tag
    • call “smileTracker.sendTag(true); “ etc

Please note it’s important to always have the “true” parameter in the “smileTracker.sendTag(true);“ call, it’s basically what allows the legacy tracking script to send several batches of data in the same browser process. Otherwise it will think it’s located in a legacy Luma-based Magento theme and will only actually send data the first time the “sendTag” method is called.

→ You would not collect all your users’ behavioral events in the frontend !

Tagging plan

How to tag

To add tagging on a page, we call the following method :

    try {
            smileTracker.addPageVar('VARIABLE1', VALUE);
            smileTracker.addPageVar('VARIABLE2', VALUE 2);
           // and in the end or at some point
        } catch (err) {

Pages to tag/event


Variable Value
type.identifier cms_index_index
type.label CMS Home Page
cms.identifier Current page URL key
cms.title Current page title

CMS Pages

Variable Value
type.identifier cms_index_index
type.label CMS Pages (all)
cms.identifier Current page URL key
cms.title Current page title

Category Page

Variable Value
type.identifier catalog_category_view
type.label Catalog Category Numeric id of the category
category.path The ‘path’ of the category in magento. Exemple 1/2/138/1256
category.label The attribute ‘name’ of the category
product_list.page_count Number of pages of the product listing
product_list.product_count Number of products of the current listing
product_list.current_page Current page of the product listing
product_list.sort_order Current sort order of listing : price, position, etc…
product_list.sort_direction Direction of the sort order : asc or desc
product_list.display_mode Display mode of the listing (grid or list) not mandatory

Filtered category page

If the user applied some filters to the category, they must be tracked according the following way :

Variable Value
product_list.filters. value

As an example, on the Tops categories, I filter on brand = Adidas, Nike, price between 75 and 500€, the tracker must sent :

           smileTracker.addPageVar('product_list.filters.price', '75-501');
           smileTracker.addPageVar('product_list.filters.manufacturer', 'Nike|Adidas');

Search Result page

It’s pretty much the same than in category page.

Variable Value
type.identifier catalogsearch_result_index
type.label Quick Search Form
search.query The query that has been typed by the user
search.is_spellchecked The value of the @is_spellchecked@ variable coming from the @SearchResultPageInfo@ object result
search.query_id The value of the @query_id@ variable coming from the @SearchResultPageInfo@ object result
product_list.page_count Number of pages of the product listing
product_list.product_count Number of products of the current listing
product_list.current_page Current page of the product listing
product_list.sort_order Current sort order of listing : price, position, etc…
product_list.sort_direction Direction of the sort order : asc or desc
product_list.display_mode Display mode of the listing (grid or list) not mandatory

Filtered search result page

Exactly the same behavior for filters than on filtered category page.

Product Page

Variable Value
type.identifier catalog_product_view
type.label Catalog Product View (Any) Numerical Id of the product
product.label The attribute “name” of product
product.sku The SKU of the product

Add to cart event

If you send this event, you need to activate the headless mode in elasticsuite configuration in magento backend.

Variable Value
type.identifier checkout_cart_add
type.label Add Item to Cart
cart.product_id Numerical Id of the product

Checkout success

Variable Value
type.identifier checkout_onepage_success
type.label One Page Checkout Success
order.subtotal Subtotal of the order, Ex 10.0000
order.discount_total Total discount of the order. Ex 10.0000
order.shipping_total Shipping amount of the order. Ex 10.0000
order.grand_total Grand total of the order. Ex 10.0000
order.shipping_method Carrier code of the order, Ex ‘flatrate_flatrate”, ‘colissimo_colissmo’, etc…
order.payment_method Payment method used for the order. Ex ‘checkmo’
order.salesrules Sales rules applied on the order. Ex ‘1,3,68’ not mandatory
order.items.X.sku The SKU of the product
order.items.X.product_id The numerical ID of the product
order.items.X.qty Quantity ordered
order.items.X.price Unit price of the product
order.items.X.row_total Row total for the product
order.items.X.label The “name” attribute of the product
order.items.X.salesrules Sales rules applied to the product. Ex ‘1,12,4’. not mandatory
order.items.X.category_ids Categories the product belongs to, comma-separated.

Exemple :

    try {
            smileTracker.addPageVar('type.identifier', 'checkout_onepage_success');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('type.label', 'One Page Checkout Success');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.subtotal', '0.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.discount_total', '0.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.shipping_total', '10.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.grand_total', '10.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.shipping_method', 'flatrate_flatrate');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.payment_method', 'checkmo');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.salesrules', '');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.sku', 'DYFIT00641 153 cm');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.product_id', '1806');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.qty', '1.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.price', '0.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.row_total', '0.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.label', 'Dna Ski');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.salesrules', '');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.0.category_ids', '153,1424,1257');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.sku', 'MILL03853-XL');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.product_id', '436');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.qty', '1.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.price', '0.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.row_total', '0.0000');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.label', 'ELEVATION S GTX JACKET M ABYSS/ORION BLUE');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.salesrules', '');
            smileTracker.addPageVar('order.items.2.category_ids', '507,247,1627');
        } catch (err) {

AB Campaign

If you are using Elasticsuite Premium, you will need to add campaign data in the tracking data of every pages if one or several campaigns are active on your website:

Variable Value Id of the campaign
ab_campaign.X.scenario Scenario assign to this visitor for this campaign

You can find all this data in the @AB-CAMPAIGN@ cookie (the cookie will exist only if at least one campaign is active) if you have the Magento cookies on your front or via the following API: Rest:

GET /V1/elasticsuite-ab-campaign/hasCampaigns
GET /V1/elasticsuite-ab-campaign/campaigns-scenarios


query elasticsuiteAbCampaigns {
   elasticsuiteAbCampaigns {    