It can be accessed under Settings > Searchable and filterable attributes. This entry will allow user to configure each attribute.

At the top of the page, a filter bar is available. User can filter based on attribute code, label and type. User can also filter on attribute configuration (filterable, searchable, sortable and use in rule engine).

The grid with all attributes sent by the e-commerce application are displayed here. In addition to attribute from the e-commerce data dictionnary, some system attribute are displayed and can’t be edited in Gally :

  • image - Base
  • id - Id
  • sku - SKU
  • category - Category
  • name - Product Name
  • price - Price
  • stock - Stock


Parameter Default value Description
Attribute code   Attribute code used to identified the attribute
Attribute label   Attribute label used to named the attribute
Attribute type   Type of the attribute (text, integer, select, yes/no…)
Filterable No Is the attribute filterable in the e-commerce application or not. Meaning : is it going to be displayed as a facet ? If set to yes, attribute is available in SEARCH > Facets grid.
Searchable No Is the attribute searchable in the e-commerce application or not. Meaning : Is attribute values will be used to compute product search and give results to front user. If set to yes, attribute is available in SEARCH > Configuration > Attributes
Sortable No Is the attribute sortable in the e-commerce application or not. Meaning : is attribute value will be used as a sorting criteria in product listing. If set to yes, attribute is available in MERCHANDIZE > Categories > Default sorting dropdown.
Use in rule engine No Is the attribute used in rule engine in Gally admin or not. Meaning : Is attribute and its values will be used as conditions in rule engines. If set to yes, attribute is available in every rule engine of Gally admin (virtual category, boosts…)

Attributes can be selected in the user grid. Once it’s the case, an action bar appears allowing to mass edit attributes and change their configuration :


Every configuration (filterable, searchable, sortable and use in rule engine) can be managed in the action bar.