It can be accessed under the catalog menu > category > select the category in the tree > Expand “products in Category”. These functionnalities can be used both for standard categories and virtual categories.
Parameter | Default value | Description |
Virtual Category | No | Switch the category to virtual (for more details, see Virtual category section) |
Ajouter/Supprimer des produits (Add/Delete products) | This button is only displayed for standard categories. Opens a popup where products can be selected in the grid or by searching product by SKU and be added to the category | |
Display potentially applied optimizers | Allows to open the optimizer grid that are applied to products of this category | |
Default Product Listing Sort By | Position | 4 possible options : - Position : products are sorted according to position given by boosts, drag and drop… - Product name : products are ordered in alphabetical order based on their name - Price : products are sorted according to ascending price - Performance : Products that have the best performance are sorted first |
Parameter | Description |
Refine search | Allows to search for products within this category |
Clear product positions | Sort products according to automatic sorting. All manual sorting will be lost |
Drag and dropper | Allows to move product manually in the category. This action is possible only on products in “Manual sort” mode |
Show/hider | Allows to hide or show a product on front. If hidden, products will not be displayed in front, but will stay in the category |
Green/red tag | If green : product has been viewed this week. Tooltip is displayed in mousehover and gives the number of views this week for this product If red : product has not been viewed this week |
Switcher automatic or manual sort mode | If Automatic sort : product will be sorted according to sorting configuration and boosts. If Manual sorting : product is pinged to this position and can be dragged and droped to another position (only among products that are on manual mode) |
When you display out of stock products in the frontend, it can be annoying that a product manually positioned in a category or for a search query be still displayed at the configured position when it is no longer in stock. A new setting named “Ignore manual positions of out of stock products” available in “Stores > Configuration > Elasticsuite > Catalog Search > Catalog Search Configuration” can now prevent this situation.