It can be accessed under the Smile ElasticSuite menu, via the Search Relevance > Thesaurus configuration entry.

You can manage several parameters here.

General Configuration


Parameter Default value Description
Max Allowed Rewrites 2 How many rewrites authorized on a search. For example : 1. Only one rewrites according to a thesaurus will be authorized in a search query

Synonyms configuration

This panel contains base fulltext configuration settings.


Parameter Default value Description
Enable synonyms search Yes If the engine should generate “extended queries” based on the list of synonyms.
Synonyms weight divider 10 The way to calculate documents scores. A value of 10 means the score of documents matched by synonyms will be divided by 10.

Query Expansions Configuration


Parameter Default value Description
Enable search expansions Yes If the engine should generate “extended queries” baseds on the list of expansion terms.
Concepts weight divider 10 The way to calculate documents scores. A value of 10 means the score of documents matched by expansions will be divided by 10.